Blue Cat’s Chorus plugin is a free Vintage chorus plugin for mac and windows. With this plugin from light to deep destructive modulation.
This VST plugin can emulate multiple voices making it seem like multiple different voices playing differently.
You can make this plugin to change the sound of the input significantly to either create a deep pitch modulation or a “bubbly” effect.
Main Features:
Some of the main features of this plugin are as follows,
- Single voice vintage chorus effect.
- In or out of phase mix control.
- Sine or triangle LFO shapes.
- Stereo spread control.
- Less CPU Load.
- Simple UI/UX.
- Supports both macOS and Windows.
Download from the official website.
How to Get The Plugin:
To download this plugin, head over to the official website and choose your version on the right side of the website.

Note: Always download from the official website to avoid duplicates.