MT Power Drum Kit 2 – Free Plugin

MT Power Drum Kit 2

MT Power Drum Kit 2 is a free drum sampler plugin that can produce high-quality acoustic drumkit sounds. This plugin contains sampled drum sounds that can be used in pop, rock, or metal production.

The plugin comes with built-in compressors and other helpful control that you can use to tweak your drum samples to create more natural sound drums.

What has worked for me is that using this drum kit by layering it in my tracks has produced much better sounds. If you don’t tweak it, the drums may sound a little processed and unnatural.


Get MT Power Drum Kit 2 from the official site

Check out: 11 Best Free VST Drums Plugins

Karr Nade

My Name is Karr, I've been producing music for the past 6 years. I'm not a pro but I am still learning every day. I love to share what I find and that is the purpose for this blog.

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